Komm mit

Feel the Spirit of Europe - Our hearts beat in Europe!
KOMM MIT goes far beyond simply promoting club life and society. We are an international community that is connected across borders. Our team, participants and partnerships span the entire continent. The European idea is vibrant in our hearts, and we firmly believe that the future of our continent lies in unity and solidarity.
Our international KOMM MIT events offer a unique stage that brings together young people from different countries. This is not just about soccer, but also about discovering other cultures, making new friends and overcoming potential prejudices.
Each of us has a story that is linked to Europe — whether through travel, friendships or shared experiences. This diversity is our strength and our source of inspiration for a better future.
Youth soccer acts as a connecting element that brings people together across borders and differences and promotes mutual understanding and respect. By playing together, we learn to work together, support each other and build a strong community.
Let's build bridges together instead of building walls that separate us.

In a world facing challenges, it is crucial that we as Europeans stand together and work together for a better future. Through youth soccer, we can build bridges that reach across the pitch and create an atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity.
KOMM MIT is passionately committed to a Europe that is characterized by love, respect and solidarity. Our international youth soccer tournaments are much more than just competitions — they are a symbol of community strength and hope for a better future.
Together, we are shaping a future that is characterized by acceptance, solidarity and respect.