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Am 17. November 2024 fand im Telekom Dome, Bonn, die mit Spannung erwartete zweite Auflage des Telekom Starkick statt. Die Veranstaltung vereint auf einzigartige Weise Fußball, Prominenz und Wohltätigkeit und begeisterte alle Beteiligten sowie die Zuschauer*innen.

In diesem Jahr kämpften erneut die Legenden des FC Bayern München, bekannte Persönlichkeiten aus Musik und TV sowie Influencer und Content Creator um den Sieg. Die Atmosphäre im Telekom Dome war elektrisierend, als Fans jeden Alters ihre Stars lautstark anfeuerten. Zu den Teilnehmenden gehörten unter anderem Roy Makaay, Claudio Pizarro, Giovane Élber, Lúcio, Younes Zarou, laserluca, Pietro Lombardi, Stefano Zarrella und Oliver Pocher.
In vier gemischten Teams kämpften die Stars nicht nur um den Sieg, sondern vor allem für den guten Zweck. Dank ihres Engagements wurde eine beeindruckende Spendensumme erzielt, die zu gleichen Teilen an vier gemeinnützige Organisationen ging: buntkicktgut, BigShoe, Young Bafana Soccer und KOMM MIT.

KOMM MIT ist stolz darauf, als Teil der United Nations Initiative „Football for the Goals“ aktiv zur Verwirklichung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) beizutragen. Die großzügige Spende der Deutschen Telekom unterstützt KOMM MIT dabei, mehr Chancengleichheit zu schaffen und fördert gezielt SDG 10 – Weniger Ungleichheiten. Denn mit den internationalen Jugendfußballturnieren in Europa schafft KOMM MIT eine Plattform, auf der über den Fußball Verständnis füreinander wächst und gesellschaftliche Barrieren überwunden werden. Diese Chance, junge Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen miteinander zu verbinden, ist von unschätzbarem Wert.

Das gesamte KOMM MIT-Team ist überwältigt von der positiven Resonanz und dem Enthusiasmus, den wir an diesem Tag erfahren durften. und wir sind stolz darauf, Teil einer leidenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft zu sein, die sich mit Herz und Hingabe für eine bessere Zukunft einsetzt. Durch Sport (Fußball) schaffen wir Räume, in denen junge Menschen sich kennenlernen, voneinander lernen und gemeinsam an einer besseren Zukunft bauen. Dafür werden wir uns auch in Zukunft mit voller Energie und Überzeugung einsetzen.
Unser herzlichster Dank geht an die Deutsche Telekom! Die Veranstaltung war nicht nur ein fantastisches Erlebnis für alle Zuschauer*innen, sondern auch ein leuchtendes Beispiel dafür, wie Charity-Events mit Unterhaltung und Sport kombiniert werden können.

Fotos: niklas visuals, Andre Carre, Philipp Behrendt
Das war der Telekom Starkick 2024:
It is with great sadness and deep sadness that we say goodbye to our long-time freelancer and valued colleague Rolf Herbertz, who has now passed away at an advanced age. Rolf was a mainstay of the KOMM MIT team for over 25 years and has contributed to the success of our international youth soccer tournaments over many years with great volunteer work. In addition to refereeing, international understanding was particularly important to him: With his support, he enabled countless young athletes from different nations to meet in sporting competition and to experience cultural exchange.
In Spain, Italy and Croatia, Rolf accompanied the young people and their supervisors and, thanks to his reliability and experience, became a valuable support for everyone involved. Even though Rolf has withdrawn from active cooperation in recent years, his tireless efforts and dedication to promoting cooperation remain unforgotten.
The KOMM MIT team mourns the loss of a special person who has left a lasting impression with his love for soccer. We are grateful for the time we were able to spend with him on the soccer fields in Europe.

Santa Susanna, Spain — The DFB and KOMM MIT's 2024 soccer hero education trip has been given. Around 230 young youth soccer coaches, directors and referees from all over Germany are honored for their volunteer work. As a sign of recognition and at the same time to motivate them to remain committed in the future, the young volunteers are taking part in a five-day training course in Spain.

At the start of the educational trip, DFB Vice President Ronny Zimmermann once again underlined the importance of volunteer work: “Club soccer in its current form would be unthinkable without the volunteer work of young people. It is a matter close to our hearts to promote and further expand this commitment.” Markus Stenger, the new DFB Director of Amateur Football and Football Development, was also there to thank the volunteers at the soccer base.
Dominik Wrasmann, spokesperson for sports communications at Volkswagen AG, explained the importance of volunteering for VW. “Amateur soccer embodies values such as team spirit, performance, passion and fairness. That's why we're there: As a brand for everyone, Volkswagen supports sport at the top as well as across the board. Seeing so many motivated and committed talent here encourages us to do the right thing with the support of amateur soccer. ”

Hannes Wolf, DFB Director for Young Talent, Training and Development and head coach of the U20 national team, emphasized the central role of volunteer work for German soccer and will introduce the young people involved to the philosophy of new forms of playing in children and youth soccer over the coming days — an unforgettable experience for the participants.
The program includes practical theory and training units that enable volunteers to expand their knowledge and take new ideas with them to their home associations. Another highlight of the week is the day trip to Barcelona.

A team of speakers from the national soccer associations offers volunteers sophisticated theoretical and practical units to deepen their soccer knowledge and bring new insights to their clubs. Bundesliga referee Frank Willenborg is also on site to give soccer heroes insights into everyday life in the Bundesliga.
DKMS is once again part of the soccer hero education trip this year and, with its “DKMS soccer heroes” project, is raising awareness of the need for stem cell donations and the importance of registration.

Philipp Reinartz, managing director of KOMM MIT, added: “Club life at the grassroots level must also be secured for future generations. With our support, as a cooperation partner of the DFB, we would like to do our part to ensure that young volunteers receive thanks for their commitment at an early stage and remain motivated to volunteer. ”
Through their voluntary work in children's and youth soccer, the soccer heroes are a mainstay of their clubs and form the basis of German amateur soccer. The “Young Volunteering” campaign supports young, committed youth soccer coaches and leaders as well as referees to recognize their work and give them the opportunity to continue their education.

KOMM MIT is pleased to announce that we have been nominated for the German Sustainability Award 2025 in the “Sports Events” category! This recognition goes to our project “From base to base — our Conveyor circuit for social sustainability.”
About the project
For over 40 years, KOMM MIT has been committed to promoting and strengthening the social community through youth soccer. Through international tournament events in Europe, we not only create a platform for sporting competitions, but also promote International Understanding and the idea of a united Europe. This sustainable cycle enables us to generate financial resources, which in turn are used by local associations and the Volunteering benefit in order to ensure an attractive range of sports and exercise for future generations.
Importance of nomination
The nomination is a valuable confirmation of our commitment and values. We do the variety visible to our society in Germany and in Europe and promote sustainable cooperation through youth soccer. Our events not only offer young people the opportunity to be active in sports, but also to get to know other cultures and make friends.
Congratulations to the nominees
We also congratulate our co-nominees:
- SV Westfalen Dortmund from 1896
- 1. FSV Mainz 05 e.V.
- Act.3
- BeneFit e.V.
- German Triathlon Union
- EURO 2024 GmbH
The German Sustainability Award
The German Sustainability Award is awarded in cooperation with German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs awarded. The prize winners will be presented at November 29, 2024 honored as part of the 17th German Sustainability Day.
Commitment to social sustainability
KOMM MIT is actively committed to the implementation of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) one, in particular for Goals 3 (Physical Activity and Health) 5 (Gender Equality), 10 (Fewer Inequalities) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). Our Approach “ALLTOGETHER — For peaceful coexistence” promotes social integration through soccer and strengthens the values of fair play.
Together, we are shaping a future created by acceptance, solidarity and respect is embossed. We are proud of our work and look forward to taking further steps on this sustainable journey.

As part of UEFA EURO 2024, the “Junior Women's Day” took place on June 28 in the Fan Zone in the Olympic Park Munich, organized by the Bavarian Football Association (BFV). This event provided an excellent platform for promoting young talent and getting girls excited about soccer.
A special highlight of the day, in addition to the exciting tournaments, was the draw for a tournament trip to 3rd Girls' Football Festival 2025, supported by KOMM MIT. All visitors who stopped by the BFV stand were able to take part in this prize draw. A total of over 150 people and associations took part, which underlines the great enthusiasm and interest in this funding and in girls' soccer.
The lucky winner was there with his team, the B-juniors from TSV Rott, and also took part in the tournament. The joy was overwhelming when the team found out that they had won the prize worth 5,000 euros. The prize includes 16 starting places in the tournament, participation in the opening and closing ceremonies and 4 nights with half board in a 3* hotel. This fantastic opportunity to international “girls only” tournament Participating from KOMM MIT was received with great enthusiasm by the players and the entire club.

KOMM MIT is actively committed to promoting girls' soccer and strengthening the European spirit. Die International KOMM MIT events offer young people from different countries a unique stage. This is not just about soccer, but also about discovering other cultures, making new friends and overcoming potential prejudices. These events are a symbol of the power of community, peace and hope for a better future.
A big thank you to BFV for the excellent organization of the “Junior Women's Day” and for their cooperation in this prize draw. Such initiatives are essential to further strengthen girls' soccer and gain valuable experience.
More information about the fan zone at Olympiapark Munich at EURO 2024 is available at BFV website to find.
As a proud member of the initiative “Football for the Goals” KOMM MIT actively supports the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, in particular the SDGs 5 (gender equality), 10 (Fewer inequalities) and 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).
Our mission “AllToGehter — For peaceful coexistence” contributes significantly to a Europe based on solidarity by promoting social integration through soccer and strengthening the values of fair play.
This initiative is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5), which aims to promote gender equality and the self-determination of all women and girls. With the support of girls' soccer, KOMM MIT contributes various initiatives and projects actively contribute to achieving this goal and facilitating equal participation in sport.

KOMM MIT is passionately committed to a Europe that is characterized by love, respect and solidarity. Our international youth soccer tournaments are much more than just competitions — they are a symbol of community strength and hope for a better future.
Together, we are shaping a future that is characterized by acceptance, solidarity and respect.

KOMM MIT goes far beyond simply promoting club life and society. We are an international community that is connected across borders. Our team, participants and partnerships span the entire continent. The European idea is vibrant in our hearts, and we firmly believe that the future of our continent lies in unity and solidarity.
Our international KOMM MIT events offer a unique stage that brings together young people from different countries. This is not just about soccer, but also about discovering other cultures, making new friends and overcoming potential prejudices.
Each of us has a story that is linked to Europe — whether through travel, friendships or shared experiences. This diversity is our strength and our source of inspiration for a better future.
Youth soccer acts as a connecting element that brings people together across borders and differences and promotes mutual understanding and respect. By playing together, we learn to work together, support each other and build a strong community.
Let's build bridges together instead of building walls that separate us.

In a world facing challenges, it is crucial that we as Europeans stand together and work together for a better future. Through youth soccer, we can build bridges that reach across the pitch and create an atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity.
KOMM MIT is passionately committed to a Europe that is characterized by love, respect and solidarity. Our international youth soccer tournaments are much more than just competitions — they are a symbol of community strength and hope for a better future.
Together, we are shaping a future that is characterized by acceptance, solidarity and respect.

Croatia: unique encounters in Pula
In the idyllic coastal town of Pula, two KOMM MIT events — the 26th Istria Cup and the second Girls Football Festival — offered participants an unforgettable experience. Here, young players not only had the opportunity to show off their skills on the pitch, but also to experience foreign cultures and enjoy soccer fun to the fullest.
The special Girls Football Festival created a unique atmosphere in which young female soccer players made international friendships, while the exchange and mutual support was a true sign of solidarity and a united Europe.
Off the playing field, the participants explored the beauty of the surrounding area, from the beautiful coasts of Istria to historical sights such as the impressive Pula Amphitheatre, where both the opening and closing ceremonies took place. They also enjoyed unforgettable panoramic boat trips along the Adriatic coast, where they experienced breathtaking views of the azure sea and picturesque islands.
For those looking for exciting activities away from the soccer field, Croatia offered a wealth of options. The participants were able to strengthen their team spirit in exciting kart races or measure themselves in action-packed games of paintball, which boosted the adrenaline level.
The highlights of the events were undoubtedly the exciting finals, followed by the exciting closing parties with Olympic flair, at which the winners were not only honored but above all celebrated the spirit of soccer together. Overall, the KOMM MIT event in Croatia offered not only a platform for sporting competition, but also an opportunity to discover the beauty and diversity of the Croatian coast, make international friends and create unforgettable memories.
Spain: Intercultural Encounters on the Barcelona-Maresme Coast
Teams from different countries met in Spain, including teams from Argentina, England, France and Malta, not only to fight for victory, but also to live the values of fair play, respect and solidarity. The tournaments not only offered an exciting sporting experience, but were also an opportunity for participants to feel the spirit of soccer and share the joy of community — in line with the motto “Feel the Spirit of Football.”
Off the pitch, the participants experienced the best that Spain has to offer. They took exciting day trips on the Costa de Maresme, where they marveled at Gaudí's fascinating architecture, visited the legendary Camp Nou or explored the lively streets of the city.
For those looking for adventure and adrenaline, the well-known Activ Natura adventure park offered exciting activities amidst the breathtaking Spanish countryside. In the evening, participants immersed themselves in traditional Spanish culture or experienced a thrilling flamenco show in the casino, where they experienced the passionate rhythms and captivating dances of this fascinating genre up close. The supporting program in Spain therefore offered not only the opportunity to improve sporting skills, but also to gain unforgettable cultural and adventurous experiences as a team and with new friends.

UNITED! — Partnerships for equal opportunities
Events like this highlight the importance of strong partnerships. Thanks to the generous support of PSD Bank West eG and the UNIFIED Foundation! Could in the sense of SDG 10 (less inequality) The “Football For The Goals” initiative supports 25 clubs from the Bonn, Cologne, Aachen and Trier region to enable all players to participate.
This valuable partnership helps ensure that soccer is accessible to all and that young people have the opportunity to develop and grow in an equitable environment. KOMM MIT, together with PSD Bank West eG, actively promotes social justice and equal opportunities for an inclusive society.

Why is collecting discarded cell phones so important?
Millions of old cell phones gather dust in drawers. Deutsche Telekom has already collected 3.7 million used cell phones and is having each device checked to see whether it can be used again or is being recycled. Only devices that are not suitable for a “second life” are recycled to a high standard in Germany. In this way, valuable raw materials such as gold, silver and platinum can be recovered. Anyone who collects old cell phones therefore not only contributes to improving the ecological balance of the devices that continue to be used, but also saves valuable resources.
With this campaign, Deutsche Telekom and the DFB are also committed to social projects. For every cell phone collected during the campaign, they donate 50 cents to the organization “HateAid”, which is committed to human rights in the digital space and to strengthening democracy online.
Do you want to help collect and are active in a soccer club?
Then sign up and get the chance to win fantastic prizes! With every mobile donation you collect, you get tickets for great prizes. Among them: 15 tickets for a European championship—Preliminary round game for you and your team two tickets for the European championship opening game or the European championshipfinals or the chance for a Ride on the national team bus.
But that's not all: As a supporter of this initiative, KOMM MIT is also giving away the Participation in the ALLTOGETHER CUP in Spain in autumn 2024. An international soccer feeling, exciting games and unforgettable moments await you for five days.
Take part in the cell phone collection campaign and get the chance to win fantastic prizes!

The “Awards Ceremony for Sustainability in Sports” at SPOBIS GmbH Conference 2024 proved to be a brilliant event that duly recognized outstanding achievements in the area of sustainability. As a member of the jury, in the circle of GmbH, Plan International and Green Events Hamburg (GEHH), KOMM MIT had the honorable task of choosing this year's finalists and winners. Special thanks go to our esteemed godparents Steffi Jones, Reinhold Beckmann, Timo Hildebrand and Denise Schindler, who presented the trophies to the deserving winners with great dedication. We would also like to thank Lisa Ramushkat for her outstanding presentation, which enriched the event with her charm.
The award-winning projects and initiatives reflect the diversity and ingenuity that can be found in the area of sustainable development in sport. In the “Athletes” category, notable programs such as the Per Mertesacker Foundation and the Maximilian Arnold Wölfecamp were honored, in addition to the inspiring work of Dilar Kisikyol with “You're fighting! ”.
The associations and associations were also recognized for their outstanding contributions to sustainability, led by N! Sports Charter of the Baden-Württemberg State Sports Association, as well as the creative approaches of clubs such as 1. FC Union Berlin and VfB Stuttgart.
In the corporate sector, groundbreaking initiatives such as “ummadum fan mobility” and “#gegenHassimNetz” (Mataracan GmbH for Deutsche Telekom x FC Bayern Munich) were presented, while in the area of venues, the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 and the “Sustainable Heating at Kulm” project by HARGASSNER Ges mbH received particular recognition.
Despite the successes, however, it is clear that much remains to be done to further promote sustainability in sport. Let us work together to create a future in which sport is in harmony with nature and society.
Apart from the award ceremony, inspiring discussions took place about joint sustainable initiatives in sports. As an official member of the United Nations campaign “Football for the Goals” Since 2022, KOMM MIT has been actively committed to the 17 goals for sustainable development. KOMM MIT is proud of the partnerships and looks forward to further projects and collaborations in the European championship year 2024.
Here are the winners in the various categories for 2024:
- Per Mertesacker Foundation
- Maximilian Arnold Wölfecamp
- Dilar Kisikyol — You're fighting!
Club & association:
- N! Sports Charter (Landessportverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.)
- From the field to the fan shop (1. FC Union Berlin, DSC Arminia Bielefeld, Borussia Dortmund, Eintracht Frankfurt, FC St. Pauli from 1910 e.V., HSV, SV Werder Bremen GmbH & Co KG aA, VfB Stuttgart and VfL Wolfsburg)
- For the coast (THW Kiel Handball-Bundesliga GmbH & Co. KG)
- ummadum fan mobility (in cooperation with 1. FC Cologne, VfB Stuttgart and VfL Wolfsburg)
- Bicycle fan count by JobRad GmbH | Germany
- #gegenHassimNetz (Mataracan GmbH for Deutsche Telekom x FC Bayern Munich)
Venue & event:
- 2023 Special Olympics World Games Berlin
- Turfcoach
- Sustainable heating at Kulm (HARGASSNER Ges mbH)

With the upcoming Girls Football Festival in Pula in focus, which not only promises top sporting achievements but also promotes intercultural exchange and personal development, KOMM MIT and Bayer 04 Leverkusen are setting an example for a fairer future in sports.
KOMM MIT and Bayer 04 Leverkusen have joined forces to promote girls' soccer. For many years, KOMM MIT has been actively contributing to the Strengthen girls' soccer, whether by organising international meetings at KOMM MIT tournaments, cooperation with soccer associations or the explicit promotion of girls' teams. A highlight of these efforts is undoubtedly the Girls Football Festival, which took place for the first time in 2023 and features 300 girls from five nations enthusiastic. It is more than just a tournament; it is a symbol of international understanding, equality and team spirit.
In 2024, this inspiring initiative will be supported by the partnership of Women of Bayer 04 Leverkusen taken to a new level. Together, Bayer 04 and KOMM MIT want to advance girls' soccer and sustainably promote the development of this great sport. The partnership between one of the leading soccer clubs and a renowned non-profit organization underscores the common goal of giving girls around the world the opportunity to develop their passion for soccer and discover their talents.
As a highlight of this collaboration, two U15 teams will be on this year Girls Football Festival Participate in Pula and compete with teams from all over Europe. The tournament allows players not only to play soccer, but also to make friends and gain intercultural experience.
A special highlight will be tailor-made on-site training, which will be led by a renowned Leverkusen coaching staff in order to provide young people with valuable insights and tips.
KOMM MIT international tournaments not only offer an opportunity for sporting development, but also promote intercultural exchange and contribute to the realisation of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with, in particular, SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) 5: gender equality. By supporting girls' soccer, KOMM MIT and Bayer 04 Leverkusen are sending a strong signal for equality in sport and showing how soccer can be used as an instrument to promote positive change in society.
The cooperation contributes to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Initiative”Football For The Goals” to support. In particular, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 “Gender Equality” aims to further promote equal opportunities for all genders.
In line with the mission of KOMM MIT, “AllToGehter — For peaceful coexistence”, We strive to give all girls and boys the opportunity to participate in the International KOMM MIT tournaments.

KOMM MIT awards the Youth Promotion Prize to three associations. SC Wiedenbrück receives generous funding of 1111€ and will compete in the KOMM MIT Orange Cup. JSG Neitersen will participate in the Mediterraneo Trophy in Spain with a funding amount of 555€. In addition, the TuS Marathon Hannover will get a starting place for the DFB beach soccer festival in August 2024.
Strengthening team spirit and club attractiveness is often achieved through club trips. Every year, KOMM MIT awards the Youth Promotion Prize and thus supports funding for an international youth soccer tournament in Europe. The prize money of 1,111 euros for first place this year goes to SC Wiedenbrück. The club from the Football and Athletics Association of Westphalia takes on Corpus Christi with the U13 juniors on 22nd Orange Cup from KOMM MIT and is looking forward to the international tournament trip to the Netherlands.
SC Wiedenbrück would like to thank you for the funding: “We are absolutely overwhelmed by our first place in the Youth Promotion Prize! A huge thank you to the KOMM MIT team for the generous travel allowance of 1,111 euros for our tournament in Holland. We can't wait to go full of energy and do our best! ”.

JSG Neitersen from the Rhineland Football Association is cheering for the second place and the associated funding subsidy of 555 euros, which at Easter with no less than three teams 34th Mediterranean Trophy Drive to Spain. Markus Schuster, trainer at JSG Neitersen, says enthusiastically about the win: “We are delighted to have won second place in the Youth Promotion Prize. We have boys from Ukraine and Afghanistan with us. With this prize, we can provide support here. It's really great that this youth promotion prize exists. Our teams are really looking forward to the tournament in Spain. ”
New this year is the draw for third place, which includes free participation in the beach soccer festival in August in Warnemünde as part of the DFB German Beach Soccer Championship. The TuS Marathon Hannover from the Lower Saxony Football Association will take part in this unique event with its U13 juniors.

The non-profit organization KOMM MIT has been promoting solidarity among children and young people in Europe through sport for more than 40 years. The focus here is particularly on intercultural youth meetings. With specially organized sports events with an Olympic character, KOMM MIT brings together over 25,000 children and young people from over 60 different nations in several European countries every year.
Through the sporting and cultural supporting program, children and young people learn important and sustainable values for social coexistence. Mutual respect, acceptance of differences and recognition of others' achievements are fundamental values for peaceful and solidary cooperation. In addition to international understanding in Europe and the world, KOMM MIT supports various other projects.

The Youth Promotion Prize supports the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Initiative”Football For The Goals.” Under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 “Less inequality”, equal opportunities and the associated international understanding should be further promoted through sport. In accordance with the KOMM MIT mission “AllToGehter — For peaceful coexistence”” The aim is to enable all children and young people to participate in the International KOMM MIT tournaments.

PSD Bank West eG is the exclusive financial partner of KOMM MIT. Together with PSD Bank West eG and its foundation “VEREINIGT!” In the future, we will build on the power of sport to further strengthen our social responsibility. Both cooperation partners stand for sustainability and are committed to promoting soccer in the children and youth sector.
Philipp Reinartz, managing director of KOMM MIT, underlines the importance of this cooperation: “Together with PSD Bank West eG We want to strengthen young people through sport and make a positive impact in society. We are very pleased that the cooperative bank has agreed to support us from now on. This support benefits teams and associations in our region in particular — through agreed subsidies, we can help families in particular who are more vulnerable and enable children to participate in our intercultural sporting events. ”
Social responsibility has been important to PSD Bank West eG since its inception. She has been committed to giving social commitment a stage for many years. Together with her foundation Unite! and the newly formed cooperation, she would like to further expand her commitment.
“Our cooperation with KOMM MIT enables us to actively contribute to the development of young people. By providing financial support to associations, we want to underline our social commitment even more and make lasting changes. I am very much looking forward to working with KOMM MIT,” says Christian Dorn (member of the board of PSD Bank West eG and managing director of the bank's own foundation).

The partnership was initially concluded for three years. In addition to financial support for associations and teams, PSD Bank West eG will also use KOMM MIT's communication channels as part of an extensive package of rights. Both cooperation partners strive for a lively partnership and want to set an example of social responsibility in sport in the long term.
The funding is made available to regional associations from the Aachen, Cologne, Bonn and Trier catchment areas to participate in international KOMM MIT events.

The cooperation supports the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Initiative”Football For The Goals.” Under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 “Less inequality”, equal opportunities and the associated international understanding should be further promoted through sport. In accordance with the KOMM MIT mission “AllToGehter — For peaceful coexistence”” The aim is to enable all children and young people to participate in the International KOMM MIT tournaments.

We warmly welcome the new year and send you our best wishes for the coming year! At the same time, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and loyalty over the past year.
Last year was an exciting and extremely successful year for us at KOMM MIT. We had the privilege of hosting a total of 15 international youth soccer tournaments with around 20,000 participants, in which young athletes from all over the world were able to compete in sports and exchange cultural experiences, strengthen team cohesion and make international friendships. It was a real pleasure to see the enthusiasm and team spirit of the participants.
Unfortunately, the year also started with sad news: In March 2023, the KOMM MIT family had to Farewell to Karlheinz Reinartz Take, the founder of KOMM MIT. He laid the foundation for our organization in 1983 and was a true visionary. His heart beat for intercultural youth encounters about soccer. With his limitless creativity, he launched numerous groundbreaking projects such as educational trips for coaches, club funding and the AllTogether — European Youth Football Festival. Karlheinz was able to inspire people from all over Europe to the idea of KOMM MIT and created an international community. We are infinitely grateful for his life's work and will continue it in his spirit.
Despite Karlheinz Reinartz's painful loss in March 2023, the dedicated KOMM MIT team continued their work with even greater determination. Since the beginning of the year, KOMM MIT has been an official member of the initiative”Football For The Goals“of the United Nations. With the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and to protect the planet. Our eight funding areas contribute to the 17 UN goals. With various funding and projects, we do our part to ensure that future generations can also develop in a positive environment.
An absolute highlight was undoubtedly the first Girls Football Festival in Croatia! It was an exceptional event where girls' teams from different European countries came together to share their enthusiasm for soccer. This festival is all about SDG 5 “Gender Equality” and is just one of the KOMM MIT girls' initiatives.

But that wasn't the only notable development this year. The now traditional FUSSBALLHELDEN educational trip In Santa Susanna, Spain, together with the German Football Association (DFB), was once again a highlight last year. The project is part of the DFB's “Young Volunteering” campaign and aims to attract, qualify and retain young volunteers. In addition to the 250 award-winning soccer heroes and Shiris, top-class speakers from DFB officials and representatives of the national soccer associations were present. This enabled volunteers to deepen their (soccer) knowledge in demanding theoretical and practical units and to bring new things to their home clubs. A day trip to Barcelona with a visit to FC Barcelona's “Camp Nou” stadium rounded off the soccer hero education trip 2023.
In June, KOMM MIT won the “SPOBIS Conference”, Europe's largest sports business event, with a proud second place in the”Awards for sustainability in sport“excellent. The prize, presented by Gerald Asamoah (team manager Schalke 04), is a great recognition for KOMM MIT and shows appreciation for decades of work.
Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, it was possible for the first time in a long time for three Ukrainian youth teams to join one of our Autumn tournaments took part in Spain. This participation impressively demonstrates how important sport is as a cornerstone of social life. It enables children and young people to have fun together and regain a sense of normality despite difficult times. The KOMM MIT tournaments are all about SDG 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.”
A very special event took place in November: The Telekom Star-Kick. At the charity soccer tournament between FC Bayern Munich legends, celebrities and influencers, Deutsche Telekom raised a total of 100,000 euros for four charitable organizations. With the amount of 25,000 euros, KOMM MIT will once again support many financially disadvantaged children and young people in 2024, giving them the opportunity to attend one of KOMM MIT's youth soccer tournaments together with their soccer team, gain international experience, make new friends and experience unique moments.
A huge thankyou applies to our numerous Volunteers, who actively supported us in organizing and running the events. Without your help, it would not have been possible to create such great experiences for youth soccer at grassroots level. Your commitment is priceless and we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts that you are part of the KOMM MIT family!
We would also like to thank everyone supporters Thank you from KOMM MIT for accompanying us this year. Your generous support has helped us achieve our goals and offer the young athlete unforgettable moments.
In addition, thanks to the long-standing support of JAKO Support hundreds of clubs with jersey sets and ball packs. In addition, KOMM MIT has been able to support around 1,000 children and young people with free seats to participate in international youth soccer tournaments under the UN goal SDG 10 “Less inequality.” Through existing and new partnerships, we will once again support financially disadvantaged children and young people in the coming year and support the integration of a European community.
The new year has many exciting projects in store for us. We are looking forward to 15 international youth soccer tournaments in Spain, Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands. These include the second Girls Football Festival, as well as the popular Easter tournaments in Spain and Croatia. Of course, in October, as part of DFB SOCCER HEROES Educational trip once again honored volunteer coaches and referees in children's and youth soccer in Spain. that European championship year 2024 will give us the opportunity to bring together young soccer players from all over the world, to further promote international understanding and to celebrate soccer in all its diversity.
We are looking forward to the coming year and to working with you to gain new experiences, realize new projects and experience unforgettable moments. Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you and wish you a successful and fulfilling new year. May your wishes come true and you may experience health, happiness and joy in all areas of your life.

After an exciting selection phase and a thrilling final between many participating teams, the winner has now been decided: Jörg Reitzner, coach of the U15 team at SpVgg Bayern Hof, has prevailed as the winner and will embark on the impressive team trip with his team. The draw attracted numerous participants and the selection phase lasted several weeks.
The team trip allows the young players to take part in one of KOMM MIT's popular international youth soccer tournaments in Spain, Croatia, Italy or the Netherlands and to show off their skills on an international level.
But participating in a KOMM MIT tournament is not only a sporting event, but also an unforgettable experience for the participating teams. KOMM MIT attaches great importance to fair play and respect in sport and actively promotes these values during tournaments.
At KOMM MIT's international youth soccer tournaments, players have the opportunity to get to know new cultures, improve their language skills and make international friends. These experiences not only shape the participants' soccer development, but also their personal development. The KOMM MIT tournaments are a symbol of international cohesion and the connection between people of all backgrounds through soccer.

The U15 team led by coach Jörg Reitzner will be heading to Santa Susanna in Spain for the 33rd Copa Maresme over Easter. This trip will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience for the young team and open up new perspectives for them in soccer and for the future. Through Prematch's social media channels, we can follow SpVgg Bayern Hof up close during their tournament trip in Spain.
“It all began with a video from Delay Sports Berlin, which introduced us to the Prematch app for youth players. Curious, we downloaded the app and discovered other great features along the way. We had already taken part in some raffles without success, so the surprise and joy was all the greater when we found out that we had actually won. No one would have expected us to win, and at first none of us could believe that it was really true. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for making this unique trip possible for us. We are grateful for your support and are already looking forward to many unforgettable experiences in Santa Susanna.”, says the Spvgg Bayern Hof U15 team.
Prematch and KOMM MIT warmly congratulate SpVgg Bayern Hof on their win and wish them a wonderful time during their upcoming team trip to Spain.

Prematch and KOMM MIT signed a partnership in August 2023 to support youth soccer at grassroots level.
As a long-time organizer of international youth soccer tournaments, KOMM MIT has a broad network of youth teams in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and throughout Europe. We are excited about the many benefits that the Prematch app offers and see it as a great opportunity to promote our associations at the grassroots level.
We are looking forward to further developing youth soccer at grassroots level together with Prematch.

Bonn. At the Telekom Star Kick on November 5 at the Telekom Dome, four mixed teams of FC Bayern Munich legends, celebrities and influencers kicked for a good cause. Together, they raised an impressive sum for four charitable organizations, including KOMM MIT.
Deutsche Telekom organized a top-class charity event. In the Telekom Dome, four mixed teams played against each other on small artificial turf fields. The aim was to collect donations for the non-profit organizations Young Bafanas, RheinFlanke, KickFair and KOMM MIT and thus support youth soccer worldwide.
The soccer spectacle was hosted by Thomas Helmer, presenter of “Doppelpass” and Wolff-Christoph Fuß, commentator on Sky Sport and MagentaTV. They were supported by Lisa Ramutschkat presenter and successful podcaster. The games took place in league mode and lasted 15 minutes. In the event of a draw, the penalty shootout was decisive. The games were led by referee Patrick Ittrich and his team.
The “Magic Cards” were a particular highlight. They gave the teams special advantages for two minutes, such as double goals, an overpay game or opponent's shots on goal only after direct acceptance. During the half-time break between the preliminary round and the final games, soccer freestyler and Guinness world record holder Marcel Gurk (Team KOMM MIT) impressed with his ball skills.
The event was also streamed live on MagentaTV and YouTube. Microphones as well as body and referee cameras took the audience up close and personal to the court and made for a few laughs before, during and after the games. One player from each team was selected for MVP via YouTube live voting. In the end, FC Bayern legend Iviva Olic was able to prevail, who shone throughout the tournament and during his active time.

FC Bayern Allstars and the KOMM MIT team then faced off in the small final for third place. Olic, Elber and Co. won the game. Team RheinFlanke and Team Young Bafana played the final for the cup, with Team RheinFlanke prevailing on penalties after two to two and thus secured the well-deserved victory. The real winners, however, are the children and young people, who are helped by donations to the four charitable organizations.
The beneficiary organizations were overwhelmed by the generous donation. When the check was handed over by Mr. Hiro Kishi, Vice President of Sports Sponsoring at Deutsche Telekom, their representatives were beaming with joy and gratitude, as Deutsche Telekom rounded up the amount earned to an impressive 100,000 euros and thus enabled donations of 25,000 euros per charitable organization.

The KOMM MIT team consisted of an impressive mix of soccer legends, influencers and celebrities.
There were Roy Makaay, the former FC Bayern Munich striker and Champions League winner, Michael Sternkopf, former Bundesliga player and part of FC Bayern Munich's legendary “Magic Triangle”, and Bernd Dreher, former FC Bayern Munich goalkeeper.
Marcel Gurk, Diyar Acar and Conan Furlong were also part of the team. Marcel Gurk is a well-known influencer and soccer freestyler who inspires with his impressive tricks and skills. Diyar Acar is an aspiring up-and-coming player and Conan Furlong is a popular influencer with a huge fan base. Benny from “Benny & Angie”, a well-known social media duo, and Gustav Schäfer, drummer of the band Tokio Hotel, also played.
The Telekom Star Kick was a great success and showed how soccer can bring people together and make a difference. KOMM MIT would like to thank Deutsche Telekom as well as soccer players, celebrities and influencers for their efforts.

As part of Europe's largest sports business event, the “SPOBIS Conference”, the “Award for Sustainability in Sports” was presented for the second time in a row. None other than Gerald Asamoah (team manager Schalke 04) conveyed the congratulations to KOMM MIT for a proud second place this year.
The SPOBIS conference, Europe's largest sports business event, took place in Düsseldorf last week from May 31 to June 1. The “Award for Sustainability in Sports” was presented for the first time in 2022. For the second edition this year, KOMM MIT was also among the nominees and, out of a total of 100 applications, was even one of the finalists in the “Company” category.
“We are proud and grateful that we were among the finalists for the second edition of the Sustainability Award,” says KOMM MIT managing director Philipp Reinartz, pleased with the attention received from such a prominent audience in Düsseldorf. Managing Director colleague Markus Egyptien also gives second place “a great award and appreciation for our decades of work from base to base. Our core topic is to bring young people together in Germany, Europe and the whole world at an early stage in order to clear up cross-international misunderstandings directly. Through soccer, we can convey such values even without using any language. The fact that we welcome over 25,000 children from all over the world to our events every year is a great honor for our work, which is now confirmed by this award placement.” Gerald Asamoah, team manager of Schalke 04, was the godfather of the “Company” category and congratulated the finalists.

Behind the managing directors at KOMM MIT are many full-time and volunteer — almost soccer crazy — people without whom all these events would not be possible. “Second place is for our entire team — all our employees and volunteers around the world deserve our biggest thanks,” says Reinartz once again expressing his appreciation. The orientation “from the basis for the base” underpins the non-profit organization KOMM MIT as a sustainable financing project. In addition to international understanding on sport, KOMM MIT also supports volunteer work in clubs: Since 2015 alone, more than 1,500 young volunteers have been honored in cooperation with DFB, who are thus making a significant contribution to securing future club life.
The “Award for Sustainability in Sports” is a cooperation between SPOBIS GmbH and the DFL German Football League with support from HypoVereinsbank UniCredit Germany. The jury consisted of high-ranking representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from business, science and sport: Common Goal, Deloitte, Plan International and Viva con Agua. BASF & Nielsen Sports won the award for sustainability in sports in the company category.

Santa Susanna, Spain As part of the DFB and KOMM MIT soccer hero education trip, around 250 young youth soccer coaches and directors were honored. Young referees are also represented in the DFB's official “Year of Shiris”. The event is part of the “Young Volunteering” campaign and sees itself as a “thank you” for your previous commitment and as a motivation for further activities in the association. The continuing education aspect on site plays a central role.
The two DFB Vice Presidents Peter Frymuth and Ronny Zimmermann welcomed the volunteers at the start of the five-day event. “With this award, we want to make a contribution to further motivating and promoting people who are committed to soccer at a young age,” said Peter Frymuth at the beginning of the event. Mads Buttgereit, coach of the national team for standards and Bundesliga referee Robert Schröder, are also on site to underline the particular importance of volunteer work for sport and society. For the first time, DKMS is also part of the soccer hero educational trip to raise awareness of the need for stem cell donations and to highlight the importance of registration with its eponymous project “DKMS soccer heroes”.

A team of speakers from the national soccer associations enables volunteers to deepen their (soccer) knowledge in demanding theoretical and practical units and to bring new things to their home clubs. A day trip to Barcelona with a visit to FC Barcelona's “Camp Nou” stadium rounds off the soccer hero education trip 2023. Other special speakers include the national coach of the national futsal team, Marcel Loosveld. He will give volunteers interesting insights into his work on Friday morning.

Philipp Reinartz, managing director of KOMM MIT, adds: “Club life at the grassroots level must also be secured for future generations. With our support, as a cooperation partner of the DFB, we would like to do our part to ensure that young volunteers receive thanks for their commitment at an early stage and remain motivated to volunteer.”

Because of their volunteer work in children's and youth soccer, soccer heroes are a mainstay in their clubs and at the grassroots level of German amateur soccer. The “Young Volunteering” campaign supports young, committed youth soccer coaches and managers in order to recognize their work and give them the opportunity to continue their education. The “Fußball-Helden-Bildungsreise” project has been implemented by the DFB and KOMM MIT since 2015.

More than 8,000 children from 27 nations celebrated peaceful coexistence at the start of the annual intercultural youth soccer tournaments organized by KOMM MIT. Around 20 girls' teams from Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Kosovo and Serbia took part in the premiere of the “Girls Football Festival” in Croatia.
KOMM MIT is a member of the campaign”Football For The Goals”, which was proclaimed by the United Nations and stands for sustainable development. At a total of three tournaments in Santa Susanna (Spain) and two tournaments in Croatia, KOMM MIT, as a non-profit organization, will once again connect thousands of children who will go on goal hunting together in 2023. In addition to numerous nations from Europe, teams from Argentina, Canada and Israel had also set out to play a A sign of peaceful coexistence to set.

“I am convinced that soccer can convey messages and values on and off the pitch. For children and young people in particular, positive experiences of success, team spirit and respect through play are of great importance. At our international soccer tournaments, we are also committed to teaching values such as solidarity, equal opportunities and diversity,” says Philipp Reinartz, managing director of KOMM MIT, explaining the goals surrounding the ball.

This year's Easter season start was rounded off for the first time with an all-girls tournament, the GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL. The festival concept was set up back in 2019, but unfortunately fell victim to Corona. Girls' soccer has always been an integral part of KOMM MIT's event calendars. For example, tournaments involving girls in the U-15 and U-18 junior women have been taking place for many years. A total of 20 teams from Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Kosovo and Serbia took part in the first “Girls Only” tournament. In addition to the tournament winners, a Fair Play Cup was also awarded, which VfL Sindelfingen won.
“The GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL 2023 in Croatia was a wonderful idea to bring participants from all countries closer together through fun and games — we are proud to be able to support the festival as a partner,” says Roland Bischof, President German Football Ambassador e.V.
As with all KOMM MIT soccer tournaments, the focus is on intercultural exchange on and off the pitch. “It is always nice for us to see which club friendships develop through our events, including mutual invitations to tournaments,” says Reinartz, highlighting the great side effect of the tournaments.

The GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL also aims at the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 “Gender Equality”. KOMM MIT is following this goal in particular with its girls' initiatives and is thus making an active contribution worldwide in the fight against all forms of discrimination against and violence against women and girls.

It is with great sadness that we say farewell to the founder, partner and great-father of the non-profit KOMM MIT Society.
The KOMM MIT family mourns the loss of Karlheinz Reinartz. Mr. Reinartz laid the foundation for KOMM MIT in 1983. In the early years, the focus was on various sports trips for club members.
With the fall of the Wall in 1989 — 1990 and the dissolution of the former Soviet Union at the end of 1991, KOMM MIT from now on focused exclusively on intercultural youth encounters about soccer. In the 1990s, the focus here was in particular on the exchange between Eastern and Western Europe.
With the start of cooperation with DFB e.V. (German Football Association) in 1993, the non-profit KOMM MIT underlined its social mission of strengthening not only international understanding, but also grassroots club life and volunteer work.

KOMM MIT quickly became the most popular organizer of international youth tournaments across Europe and a reliable partner in the implementation of projects in children's and youth soccer. The participation was a highlight and an unforgettable experience, especially for the teams from the grassroots level. Mr. Reinartz's wealth of ideas to strengthen grassroots associations was tremendous, as was his determination to implement projects. He is responsible for the educational trip for volunteer coaches, club funding, a funding program for equality (AllToGehter — Freiplaetze) and the AllTogether — European Youth Football Festival under the auspices of UEFA, and much more.

Mr. Reinartz had a sense for the moment and the emotion and was able to inspire numerous volunteers from all over Europe for the KOMM MIT idea. For him, it was always important that the focus is on people and that you can meet on equal footing. His intercultural openness and curiosity not only gave him numerous international friendships and business partners, but also enabled him to travel the world and thus get to know the differences and similarities of the various nations.
It was important to him to set the course for the future of KOMM MIT as he was convinced that the sustainable work of KOMM MIT would continue to be relevant in the future. With Florian Heuschmid and Markus Egyptien, he gained support in the management and shareholder structure in the 2000s. His son, Philipp Reinartz, who has been supporting the management since 2014, follows in 2009.

Without Karlheinz Reinartz, there would be no KOMM MIT and without KOMM MIT over the past 40 years, over 700,000 children and young people from over 60 different nations would not have found their way to each other through soccer.

We are all very grateful to him for what he has built up with KOMM MIT and has left behind us all, we will continue his life's work responsibly! Dear Karlheinz, we will miss you a lot, you will always be a part of COME WITH US!

“Thanks to the unexpected support, we were able to guarantee that even the last player from the team would take part in the ride.” Patrick Theissen, coach of VfR 08 Oberhausen's U15 juniors.

Strengthening team spirit and club attractiveness is usually achieved through club trips. Every year, we award the Youth Promotion Prize and thus support funding for an international youth soccer tournament. The prize money of 1,111 euros for first place this year goes to VfR 08 Oberhausen. The club from the Lower Rhine Football Association is taking part in the 33rd Trofeo Mediterráneo at Easter with the U15 juniors and is looking forward to the international tournament trip to Spain.

- Patrick Theissen, coach of the U15 juniors
TSV Nieder-Ramstadt from Hesse, who will travel to the Netherlands Cup with the U13 girls on Ascension Day, is celebrating 2nd place and the associated funding subsidy of 555 euros.

Santa Susanna, Spain The youth soccer coaches and directors of the volunteer project “Football Heroes — Young Volunteer Action” are currently continuing their theoretical and practical learning units in Spain for a week.
After kicking off with DFB Vice President Peter Frymuth on Monday evening, the almost 200 young volunteers had to start learning units on Tuesday morning. Ariane Hingst had also come to Spain and gave many insights into the youth work of the national teams and actively engaged in exchange with all participants.
Following the theoretical introduction, all study groups went to the soccer fields. Supported by the team of speakers, the assistant coaches of the U19/U20 women's national team, Ariane Hingst, led a unit under the Spanish sun.

On Wednesday morning and afternoon, one learning unit was completed for the participants of the soccer hero educational trip. In a total of eleven study groups, which are supervised by 26 top-class speakers, the young volunteers continued their education as they did the day before.
Robert Schröder, current Bundesliga referee, answered questions from the participants of the soccer hero educational trip on Wednesday evening. Schröder gave insights into communication among professional referees and told exciting stories about professional soccer.
On Thursday, the soccer heroes of the soccer heroes educational trip can explore the Catalan world metropolis of Barcelona. In addition to a city tour, the impressive FC Barcelona stadium — Camp Nou — will provide goosebumps. On Friday, youth soccer coaches and managers can expect a futsal session under German national futsal coach Marcel Loosveld.

Santa Susanna, Spain During the DFB and KOMM MIT soccer hero education trip, almost 200 young youth soccer coaches and managers from all over Germany were honored. The event is part of the “Young Volunteer Campaign” and sees itself as a “thank you” for your previous commitment, as well as a motivation for further activities in the club so that children and young people can continue to play soccer in the club in the future.

DFB Vice President Peter Frymuth welcomed the volunteers at the start of the five-day event. World Champion Ariane Hingst also attended the opening of the event and emphasized the particular importance of volunteering for sport and society. The assistant coach of the German U19/U20 women's national team and co-founder of FC Viktoria Berlin also taught a practical session on the pitch — a highlight for the participants.

In demanding theoretical and practical units, participants deepen their (soccer) knowledge and bring new findings to their home clubs. A day trip to Barcelona with a visit to the FC Barcelona stadium rounds off the 2022 soccer hero education trip. Other guests and speakers include Bundesliga referee Robert Schröder and national coach of the national futsal team, Marcel Loosveld. The two give volunteers further interesting insights into their work.
The joint project between the DFB and KOMM MIT is the biggest grassroots volunteer in soccer. The campaign is being implemented in all around 260 soccer circles associated with the 21 national soccer associations. Philipp Reinartz, managing director of KOMM MIT, adds: “The social power of soccer takes place in clubs. With this campaign, we want to strengthen club life at the grassroots level and give children and young people the opportunity to take advantage of sports activities and exercise. ”

Over the Pentecost holidays, come with brought together more than 160 youth teams through soccer. Children and young people from Europe have used the power of soccer together to set an example for an equal and diverse Europe.
In Spain, Italy, Croatia and the Netherlands, COME ALONG celebrated a united Europe at four soccer festivals with more than six nations. The numerous teams played for the popular trophies and medals. A special highlight was once again the awarding of the Fair Play Cup, which has been awarded to the fairest team at all COME WITH events for almost 40 years.

For the 38th time, the traditional international Pentecost tournament was held under the Spanish Mediterranean Sun. 1,800 participants did not miss out on this opportunity and watched exciting soccer matches until the end. The Croatia Football Festival took place in Croatia. The sporting event on the Adriatic Coast combines cultural learning and soccer fun. At the Riccione Football Cup in Italy, a joint soccer festival was celebrated for three days and new friendships were made. In the Netherlands, the Slagharen Trophy includes younger audiences. The numerous parents and caregivers ensured supra-regional and international “fan exchange.”

Philipp Reinartz, Managing Director of KOMM MIT, was pleased that many teams have once again followed the KOMM MIT motto “Feel the Spirit of Europe” and have experienced mutual respect and recognition of diversity through soccer.